MusicBot logo MusicBot

Notice: MusicBot is provided under an MIT License. By using the software you agree to the terms of the License.

How to Run

First, make sure you have properly installed MusicBot by following one of the install guides appropriate for your OS and version.
Next, read the configuration page to set up a Discord App and configure MusicBot.
Finally, MusicBot can be started by using run.bat on Windows and on most Linux and Unix-like OS, such as macOS or BSD.

Generally speaking the two scripts attempt to find an installed python interpreter and then use it to run the file, with any arguments passed on the command line being passed to python.

If you have more than one version of Python, these scripts might fail to use the correct version of Python. Just the nature of the beast, as we support multiple versions of Python but dependencies need to be installed on a per-version basis.
If you’re not used to working with Python, this can cause you some confusion.
You can either remove un-needed versions or simply copy, edit, and rename the run.bat or scripts to make use of a specific python version.

Ultimately, the simplest way to run MusicBot is to change directory to the MusicBot folder where file is, and then run the command:


Replace “python” as needed for your OS or python version.
On Windows this might be py.exe -3.X (replace “3.x” with a real version like 3.10) or simply python.exe on the command line.
On Linux / Unix-likes this is typically something like python3.

Using Python Venv

Using a Python Virtual Environment is required on some modern Linux and Unix-like OS.
But you can optionally use the venv module on just about any system.

To use it, some systems or versions of python may require you to install a python-venv or similar package via your system’s package management tool (apt, pacman, etc.).
Some install guides cover this process and may contain the correct package name, however finding the appropriate package(s) for your system is up to you.

To set up and use a Venv for MusicBot, follow these steps:

  1. Create a the environment by running: python -m venv ~/MusicBotVenv or similar.
  2. Move or Clone the MusicBot source inside of ~/MusicBotVenv from step 1.
  3. Activate the Venv by running: source ~/MusicBotVenv/bin/activate or similar.
  4. Install pip packages to the Venv running: python -m pip install -U -r ~/MusicBotVenv/MusicBot/requirements.txt or similar if you changed path names.
  5. Deactivate the Venv running the deactivate command.

Assuming you have installed the other system dependencies, you should be good to run.
The bundled will look for and load the Venv as long as the MusicBot cloned directory is inside of the Venv directory.

How to Auto Start

MusicBot can be made into a “service” by using a number of different methods.
For Windows, the Non-Sucking Service Manager application is recommended.
For macOS, newer versions may be able to use SystemD while older versions might use launchd or install and use pm2 instead.
For Linux-like OS, the automation of choice depends on your distribution, but currently we have guides for SystemD and pm2 which you can use or take inspiration from.

CLI Flags

This section describes the command line arguments (aka flags) available to use with any of the bundled run scripts (, run.bat, and provided by MusicBot.

Note: These docs may not contain details for features in the dev or review branches. Use the --help flag for details on options not listed here.

These are the options available for use:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit.

  -V, --version         Print the MusicBot version information and exit.

  --lang LANG_BOTH      Override the default / system detected language for all text in MusicBot.

  --log_lang LANG_LOGS  Use this language for all server-side log messages from MusicBot.

  --msg_lang LANG_MSGS  Use this language for all messages sent to discord from MusicBot.
                        This does not prevent per-guild language selection.

  --no-checks           Skip all optional startup checks, including the update check.

  --no-disk-check       Skip only the disk space check at startup.

  --no-update-check     Skip only the update check at startup.

  --no-install-deps     Disable MusicBot from trying to install dependencies when it cannot import them.

  --logs-kept KEEP_N_LOGS
                        Specify how many log files to keep, between 0 and 100 inclusive. (Default: 0)

  --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Override the log level settings set in config. Must be one of: 

  --log-rotate-fmt OLD_LOG_FMT
                        Override the default date format used when rotating log files. 
                        This should contain values compatible with strftime().
                        Default: .ended-%Y-%j-%H%m%S 

                        Supply a directory under which MusicBot will store all mutable files.  
                        Essentially treats the install directory as read-only.  
                        MusicBot must have permission to create this directory and files within it.