MusicBot logo MusicBot

This page describes MusicBot’s primary configuration file.
The main configuration file is config/options.ini, which is typically copied from config/example_options.ini file.

Editing your configuration file using Notepad or WordPad may result in broken config files.
An editor that is aware of encoding and line-endings is recommended. (Notepad++, VS Code, etc.)

First Time Setup

Before you can configure MusicBot, you need to set up a Bot application on the Discord Developer Portal.
This section will guide you through all those steps:

How to make a Discord Bot and Configure MusicBot.

Make a new Bot and Token

First, log in to the official Discord Developer Portal and access the Applications page.
  • Create a new application, then open the "Bot" page from the menu.
  • Find the Token section to reveal and copy your new Bot Token.
    Notice: If you have 2FA enabled, you may need to "Reset Token" before you can see it.
    Warning: Keep the Token safe! Don't share it or lose it or you'll need to regenerate it!
  • Next set the privileged intents. You need to enable each of the Gateway Intents.
    - Enable Presence Intent
    - Enable Server Members Intent
    - Enable Message Content Intent

Configure MusicBot

You should now have your token and can now copy it into your config file.
To finish setting up:
  • Open your bot folder and then the config folder within it.
  • Copy example_options.ini and rename it to options.ini.
  • Open options.ini then find the "Token" option under [Credentials].
  • Update the value of "Token" with the token you copied from Discord Applications.
  • Save, close, and try running MusicBot!
If everything is working, make sure to review the rest of the options and make changes as needed.

How to Run MusicBot

MusicBot provides a collection of scripts to start the bot.
For Windows you'll usually use run.bat to start the bot.
For various Linux-like OS, use instead.
You may also launch by passing it to python directly.
All of these scripts support the same command line arguments.

Documentation for options.ini

The options listed here may be older or newer than your installed version of MusicBot.
For a version-specific documentation, please read the example_options.ini file included with your version of MusicBot.

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Token Discord bot authentication token for your Bot.
Visit Discord Developer Portal to create a bot App and generate your Token.
Never publish your bot token!
Default Value: *empty*
Spotify_ClientID Provide your own Spotify Client ID to enable MusicBot to interact with Spotify API.
MusicBot will try to use the web player API (guest mode) if nothing is set here.
Using your own API credentials grants higher usage limits than guest mode.
Default Value: *empty*
Spotify_ClientSecret Provide your Spotify Client Secret to enable MusicBot to interact with Spotify API.
This is required if you set the Spotify_ClientID option above.
Default Value: *empty*


OwnerID Provide a Discord User ID number to set the owner of this bot.
The word 'auto' or number 0 will set the owner based on App information.
Only one owner ID can be set here. Generally, setting 'auto' is recommended.
Default Value: 0
DevIDs A list of Discord User IDs who can use the dev-only commands.
Warning: dev-only commands can allow arbitrary remote code execution.
Use spaces to separate multiple IDs.
Most users should leave this setting blank.
Default Value: *empty*
BotExceptionIDs Discord Member IDs for other bots that MusicBot should not ignore.
Use spaces to separate multiple IDs.
All bots are ignored by default.
Default Value: *empty*


CommandPrefix Command prefix is how all MusicBot commands must be started in Discord messages.
E.g., if you set this to * the play command is trigger by *play ...
Default Value: !
CommandsByMention Enable using commands with @[YourBotNameHere]
The CommandPrefix is still available, but can be replaced with @ mention.
Default Value: yes
BindToChannels ID numbers for text channels that MusicBot should exclusively use for commands.
This can contain IDs for channels in multiple servers.
Use spaces to separate multiple IDs.
All channels are used if this is not set.
Default Value: *empty*
AllowUnboundServers Allow responses in all channels while no specific channel is set for a server.
Only used when BindToChannels is missing an ID for a server.
Default Value: yes
UseAlias If enabled, MusicBot will allow commands to have multiple names using data in: config/aliases.json
Default Value: yes
EnablePrefixPerGuild Allow MusicBot to save a per-server command prefix, and enables the setprefix command.
Default Value: no


DMNowPlaying MusicBot will try to send Now Playing notices directly to the member who requested the song instead of posting in a server channel.
Default Value: no
DisableNowPlayingAutomatic Disable now playing messages for songs played via auto playlist.
Default Value: no
NowPlayingChannels Forces MusicBot to use a specific channel to send now playing messages.
Only one text channel ID can be used per server.
Default Value: *empty*
DeleteNowPlaying MusicBot will automatically delete Now Playing messages.
Default Value: yes
NowPlayingMentions Mention the user who added the song when it is played.
Default Value: no
DeleteMessages Allow MusicBot to automatically delete messages it sends, after a delay.
Delay period is controlled by DeleteDelayShort and DeleteDelayLong.
Default Value: yes
DeleteInvoking Auto delete valid commands after a delay.
Default Value: no
DeleteDelayShort Sets the short period of seconds before deleting messages.
This period is used by messages that require no further interaction.
Default Value: 0:00:30
DeleteDelayLong Sets the long delay period before deleting messages.
This period is used by interactive or long-winded messages, like search and help.
Default Value: 0:01:00
UseEmbeds Allow MusicBot to format its messages as embeds.
Default Value: yes
CustomEmbedFooter Replace MusicBot name/version in embed footer with custom text.
Only applied when UseEmbeds is enabled and it is not blank.
Default Value: Just-Some-Bots/MusicBot (alpha-050125-18-g1ef01294-config-cli-tool)
RemoveEmbedFooter Completely remove the footer from embeds.
Default Value: no
SearchList If enabled, users must indicate search result choices by sending a message instead of using reactions.
Default Value: no
DefaultSearchResults Sets the default number of search results to fetch when using the search command without a specific number.
Default Value: 3
QueueLength The number of entries to show per-page when using q command to list the queue.
Default Value: 10
ReplyAndMention Command responses will also mention or notify the user.
Default Value: yes


DefaultVolume Sets the default volume level MusicBot will play songs at.
You can use any value from 0 to 1, or 0% to 100% volume.
Default Value: 0.15
DefaultSpeed Sets the default speed MusicBot will play songs at.
Must be a value from 0.5 to 100.0 for ffmpeg to use it.
A value of 1 is normal playback speed.
Note: Streamed media does not support speed adjustments.
Default Value: 1.000
SkipsRequired Number of channel member votes required to skip a song.
Acts as a minimum when SkipRatio would require more votes.
Default Value: 4
SkipRatio This percent of listeners in voice must vote for skip.
If SkipsRequired is lower than the computed value, it will be used instead.
You can set this from 0 to 1, or 0% to 100%.
Default Value: 0.5
AllowAuthorSkip Allow the member who requested the song to skip it, bypassing votes.
Default Value: yes
LegacySkip Enable users with the InstaSkip permission to bypass skip voting and force skips.
Default Value: no
AutoPause MusicBot will automatically pause playback when no users are listening.
Default Value: yes
PersistentQueue Allow MusicBot to save the song queue, so queued songs will survive restarts.
Default Value: yes
PreDownloadNextSong Enable MusicBot to download the next song in the queue while a song is playing.
Currently this option does not apply to auto playlist or songs added to an empty queue.
Default Value: yes
UseExperimentalEqualization Tries to use ffmpeg to get volume normalizing options for use in playback.
This option can cause delay between playing songs, as the whole track must be processed.
Default Value: no
RoundRobinQueue If enabled and multiple members are adding songs, MusicBot will organize playback for one song per member.
Default Value: no
EnableLocalMedia Enable playback of local media files using the play command.
When enabled, users can use: `play file://path/to/file.ext`
to play files from the local MediaFileDirectory path.
Default Value: no
UnpausePlayerOnPlay Allow MusicBot to automatically unpause when play commands are used.
Default Value: no
UseOpusAudio May reduce CPU usage by avoiding PCM-to-Opus encoding in python.
When enabled, volume is controlled via FFmpeg filter instead of python.
May cause a short delay when tracks first start for bitrate discovery.
Default Value: yes
UseOpusProbe Similar to UseOpusAudio, but reduces CPU usage even more where possible.
If the media is already Opus encoded (like YouTube) no re-encoding is done.
This option will disable speed, volume, and UseExperimentalEqualization options.
Default Value: no
DefaultSearchService This option sets the default search service used by MusicBot through ytdlp.
Read ytdlp's list of supported sites to find supported prefixes you can use here.
Some prefix examples: ytsearch, scsearch, gvsearch, yvsearch, bilisearch, nicosearch
Default Value: ytsearch


UseAutoPlaylist Enable MusicBot to automatically play music from the auto playlist when the queue is empty.
Default Value: yes
AutoPlaylistRandom Shuffles the auto playlist tracks before playing them.
Default Value: yes
AutoPlaylistAutoSkip Enable automatic skip of auto playlist songs when a user plays a new song.
This only applies to the current playing song if it was added by the auto playlist.
Default Value: no
AutoPlaylistRemoveBlocked Remove songs from the auto playlist if they are found in the song block list.
Default Value: no
SavePlayedHistoryGlobal Enable saving all songs played by MusicBot to a global playlist file: config/playlists/history.txt
This will contain all songs from all servers.
Default Value: no
SavePlayedHistoryGuilds Enable saving songs played per-server to a playlist file: config/playlists/history[Server ID].txt
Default Value: no
RemoveFromAPOnError Enable MusicBot to automatically remove unplayable entries from the auto playlist.
Default Value: yes


DebugLevel Set the log verbosity of MusicBot. Normally this should be set to INFO.
It can be set to one of the following:
Default Value: INFO
AutojoinChannels A list of Voice Channel IDs that MusicBot should automatically join on start up.
Use spaces to separate multiple IDs.
Default Value: *empty*
SaveVideos Allow MusicBot to keep downloaded media, or delete it right away.
Default Value: yes
StorageLimitBytes If SaveVideos is enabled, set a limit on how much storage space should be used.
Default Value: 0
StorageLimitDays If SaveVideos is enabled, set a limit on how long files should be kept.
Default Value: 0
StorageRetainAutoPlay If SaveVideos is enabled, never purge auto playlist songs from the cache regardless of limits.
Default Value: yes
AutoSummon Automatically join the owner if they are in an accessible voice channel when bot starts.
Default Value: yes
StatusMessage Specify a custom message to use as the bot's status. If left empty, the bot
will display dynamic info about music currently being played in its status instead.
Status messages may also use the following variables:
{n_playing} = Number of currently Playing music players.
{n_paused} = Number of currently Paused music players.
{n_connected} = Number of connected music players, in any player state.

The following variables give access to information about the player and track.
These variables may not be accurate in multi-guild bots:
{p0_length} = The total duration of the track, if available. Ex: [2:34]
{p0_title} = The track title for the currently playing track.
{p0_url} = The track URL for the currently playing track.
Default Value: *empty*
StatusIncludePaused If enabled, status messages will report info on paused players.
Default Value: no
WriteCurrentSong If enabled, MusicBot will save the track title to: data/[Server ID]/current.txt
Default Value: no
ShowConfigOnLaunch Display MusicBot config settings in the logs at startup.
Default Value: no
LeaveServersWithoutOwner If enabled, MusicBot will leave servers if the owner is not in their member list.
Default Value: no
SelfDeafen MusicBot will automatically deafen itself when entering a voice channel.
Default Value: yes
LeaveInactiveVC If enabled, MusicBot will leave a voice channel when no users are listening,
after waiting for a period set in LeaveInactiveVCTimeOut option.
Listeners are channel members, excluding bots, who are not deafened.
Default Value: no
LeaveInactiveVCTimeOut Set a period of time to wait before leaving an inactive voice channel.
You can set this to a number of seconds or phrase like: 4 hours
Default Value: 0:05:00
LeaveAfterQueueEmpty If enabled, MusicBot will leave the channel immediately when the song queue is empty.
Default Value: no
LeavePlayerInactiveFor When paused or no longer playing, wait for this amount of time then leave voice.
You can set this to a number of seconds of phrase like: 15 minutes
Set it to 0 to disable leaving in this way.
Default Value: 0:00:00
EnableNetworkChecker Allow MusicBot to use timed pings to detect network outage and availability.
This may be useful if you keep the bot joined to a channel or playing music 24/7.
MusicBot must be restarted to enable network testing.
By default this is disabled.
Default Value: no
YtdlpProxy Experimental, HTTP/HTTPS proxy settings to use with ytdlp media downloader.
The value set here is passed to `ytdlp --proxy` and aiohttp header checking.
Leave blank to disable.
Default Value: *empty*
YtdlpUserAgent Experimental option to set a static User-Agent header in yt-dlp.
It is not typically recommended by yt-dlp to change the UA string.
For examples of what you might put here, check the following two links:
Leave blank to use default, dynamically generated UA strings.
Default Value: *empty*
YtdlpSourceAddress Force yt-dlp to bind to a specific IP address or IP version on your system.
To force any available IPv4, set this to:
To force any available IPv6, set this to: ::
To allow either IPv4 or v6, set this to: *
Default Value: *
EnableUserBlocklist Toggle the user block list feature, without emptying the block list.
Default Value: yes
EnableSongBlocklist Enable the song block list feature, without emptying the block list.
Default Value: no


UserBlocklistFile An optional file path to a text file listing Discord User IDs, one per line.
Default Value: ./config/blocklist_users.txt
SongBlocklistFile An optional file path to a text file that lists URLs, words, or phrases one per line.
Any song title or URL that contains any line in the list will be blocked.
Default Value: ./config/blocklist_songs.txt
AutoPlaylistDirectory An optional path to a directory containing auto playlist files.
Each file should contain a list of playable URLs or terms, one track per line.
Default Value: ./config/playlists
MediaFileDirectory An optional directory path where playable media files can be stored.
All files and sub-directories can then be accessed by using 'file://' as a protocol.
Example: file://some/folder/name/file.ext
Maps to: ./media/some/folder/name/file.ext
Default Value: ./media
AudioCachePath An optional directory path where MusicBot will store long and short-term cache for playback.
Default Value: ./audio_cache
LogsMaxKept Configure automatic log file rotation at restart, and limit the number of files kept.
When disabled, only one log is kept and its contents are replaced each run.
Set to 0 to disable. Maximum allowed number is 100.
Default Value: 3
LogsDateFormat Configure the log file date format used when LogsMaxKept is enabled.
If left blank, a warning is logged and the default will be used instead.
Learn more about time format codes from the tables and data here:
Default Value: .ended-%Y-%j-%H%m%S

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